Sunday, June 18, 2017

Pets in the Apocalypse

Our loyal companions are as valuable family members as a daughter or son, mother or father, aunt or uncle, nephews or nieces, etc. So in a End-of-the-World scenario we at Endreadies have decided to give you all the necessary information to prep your pets for the End of the world (EOTW).

First Aid
- As all living things, our non-human creatures are not immune to injury. The Red Cross (an organization proving itself more useful for EOTW scenarios than the WHO). So in preparedness for the EOTW, we give you a list for items involved in making a first aid kit for pets. It is mostly the same for humans, with additional pet maintenance tools, of course.

-Click here for Pet First Aid Kit...

- Everything needs space. There is many standards on how much space does any one species need. Here is a list of sites to help measure out how much space your EOTW/disaster shelter will need. By the way, measures vary from source to source and only the 4 most common species in the U.S.A. are covered here, which only represents about 70% of the total pet population. Any species in the remaining 30% only accounts for only less of 1% of the total population, which is why they are not being covered.

-For cats...
-For birds...
-For fish...

Getting to shelter
-You never know when disaster could strike. Sometimes whole areas need to be evacuated. Worry not about leaving your pets behind, There is plenty of disaster shelters that will take in pets. There is even legal support for pets to get certain emergency services. We have made a list of sites that will inform you on the specifics in getting your pets into disaster shelters.

-The PETS act...
-Pet Transfer is an useful organization in this matter...
-The Center for Disease Control has an interest in the safe transfer of pets...
-What the ASPCA...
-Remember the Red Cross?...
-What the Vets say...

-An universal necessity for life. Our pets need it as much as we do, so it is critical to pack for them too. Here a few sites that should lead you in the right direction. We

-Self Reliance with the American Preppers Network.

Recupérese de la COVID-19 Guía de ejercicios para restablecer la movilidad.

 Los efectos de la COVID-19 en la rehabilitación de los pacientes Ya que la enfermedad del coronavirus afecta el cuerpo y la mente, nuestras...